Full Length of Superbad in High Quality Video.
Now you can see Superbad in High Quality Video with duration 113 Min and was published in 2007-08-17 and MPAA rating is 548.- Original Title : Superbad
- Movie title in your country : Superbad
- Year of movie : 2007
- Genres of movie : Comedy,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2007-08-17
- Companies of movie : Columbia Pictures, Apatow Productions,
- Countries of movie : United States of America,
- Language of movie : English,
- Durationof movie : 113 Min
- Average vote of movie : 6.8
- Youtube ID of movie : 0CsLlNz7Mmw
- Translation of movie : EN,DE,IT,ES,FI,FR,TR,PT,SV,ZH,HU,NL,DA,RU,PL,HE,RO,
- Actors of movie :Laura Marano (Young Becca), Carla Gallo (Period Blood Girl), Peter Salett (Tiger Greendragon), Dave Franco (Greg (Soccer Player / Fußballspieler)), Erica Vittina Phillips (Mindy), Michael Fennessey (Bus Driver), Brian Huskey (Elementary Principal), Matthew Bass (Vagtastic Voyager), Bill Hader (Officer Slater), Martha MacIsaac (Becca), Ted Haigh (Bartender), Matthew McKane (Kane Cloverdale), Christopher Mintz-Plasse (Fogell), Seth Rogen (Officer Michaels), Martin Starr (James Masselin), Jonah Hill (Seth), Michael Cera (Evan), Charley Rossman (Good Shopper Security), Rakefet Abergel (Muffin Selby), Kevin Corrigan (Mark), Mousa Kraish (Billy Baybridge), Mark Rogen (Father with Bat), Joe Lo Truglio (Francis), Scott Gerbacia (Jesse), Pamella D'Pella (Teacher), Charlie Hartsock (Good Shopper Cashier), Stacy Edwards (Evan's Mom (Evans Mutter)), Laura Seay (Shirley), Aurora Snow (Vagtastic Voyage Girl #1), Clark Duke (Party Teenager #1), Casey Margolis (Young Seth), Kevin Breznahan (Patrick Manchester), Jenna Haze (Vagtastic Voyage Girl #2), Ben Best (Quince Danbury), Joe Nunez (Liquor Store Clerk (Mitarbeiter Getränkeladen)), Stephen Borrello IV (Party Teenager #2), Clint Mabry (Prosthetic Leg Kid (Kind mit Beinprothese)), Nicholas Jasenovec (Coffee Fairmount), Steve Bannos (Math Teacher), Michael Naughton (Gym Teacher), David Krumholtz (Benji Austin), Lauren Miller (Scarlett Brighton), Emma Stone (Jules), Marcella Lentz-Pope (Gaby), Keith Loneker (Wild Bill Cherry), Jody Hill (Tut Long John Silver), Brooke Dillman (Mrs. Hayworth), Aviva (Nicola), Clement Blake (Homeless Guy (Obdachloser)), Naathan Phan (Party Teenager #3), Roger Iwami (Miroki), Donna Hardy (Old Lady)
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Movie synopsis of Superbad :
Free Superbad in HD Format with movie synopsis "High school best buddies are facing separation anxiety as they prepare to go off to college. While attempting to score alcohol for a party with help from their fake ID-toting friend, "McLovin", the guys' evening takes a turn into chaotic territory." in best video format. Full Streaming Superbad in Top Video Format by push of the button above.
Author : Seth Rogen, Author : Evan Goldberg, Producer : Shauna Robertson, Director of Photography : Russ T. Alsobrook, Music : Lyle Workman, Director : Greg Mottola, Editor : William Kerr, Executive Producer : Evan Goldberg, Producer : Judd Apatow, Producer : Dara Weintraub, Executive Producer : Seth Rogen
Of course, now you can view movie regarding Superbad in full length and find the connection to this film Superbad in HD quality.
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